Mittwoch, 28. Februar 2007

Uganda hofft auf Oscar-Rendite

Ugandas Tourismuswirtschaft hofft durch den Erfolg des britischen Films "The Last King of Scotland" mehr Besucher und Investoren aniehen zu können.

Der US-Schauspieler Forest Whitaker hat an diesem Sonntag den Oscar als Bester Schauspieler für seine Rolle als Idi Amin in diesem Film gewonnen.

Der Film wurde in Uganda und Schottland aufgenomen.

Source: Uganda: Amin Film to Boost Uganda's Tourism (Page 1 of 1)

Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2007

Gorillas zurück in Mgahinga

Uganda Travel Guide, Safari News » Blog Archive » Gorillas back in Mgahinga 

Eine erfreuliche Nachricht - die Gorillas sind wieder zurück.

Zugleich informierten die ugandischen Nationalpark Ranger über ein besonders interessantes Gorillatrekkong im Bwindi NP, wo die Touristen Augenzeugen der Geburt eines Gorillababys wurden.

After 3 years, the gorillas are back in Mgahinga National Park. The habituated gorillas had crossed to Rwanda which is also a home for the mountain gorillas.

Habituation is referred to as a situation where by animals get used to human beings without losing their wild character.

The Mgahinga Gorilla family of Nyakagezi had reduced from 11 to 7.  More gorillas are expected to make their way to Uganda and this will boost the Gorilla safari that tops tours to Uganda.


Visitors to the famous Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park recently enjoyed an unusual sight, when, while with their group of gorillas, one of the females gave birth. This is a rarely if ever before witnessed experience by tourist visitors and must have made for some spectacular pictures during the encounter.
Presently about 11 gorilla babies are with the four habituated groups in the park


Source: Uganda Travel Guide, Safari News » Blog Archive » Gorillas back in Mgahinga

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Rift Valley Fieber in Kenia und Tansania

Betroffen sind das kenianische Hochland und der Norden Tansanias um Arusha. 

Die Verbreitung erfolgte offenbar durch Viehherden und Wildtiere beginnend von Ägypten das Rift Valley südwärts.

Vor dem Verzehr von Milch und halbgaren Fleisch wird von den Medizinern gewarnt. 

By Apolinari Tairo l eTN Africa

NY Times


At least 78 people died of RVF in Kenyan highlands in recent months, while two people died a week ago in Tanzania’s northern region of Arusha famous and rich with wildlife and livestock. Kenyan authorities think the number of RVF victims could be double the reported deaths.

Medical and administrative authorities in northern Tanzania, some 700 kilometers from the capital city of Dar es Salaam, have confirmed of the outbreak of RVF, and warned locals and foreign visitors to avoid consumption of half-cooked meat or raw milk.

The deadly disease was reported in Kenya’s Rift Valley region last year before spreading to Tanzania through migrating Maasai livestock keepers who occupy big pasturelands in the East African highlands.


Being the most dangerous disease to hit Tanzania in recent years, RVF was first reported in Kenya but it originated from Egypt and had spread through the Great African Rift Valley, rich with wildlife and livestock.

Medical experts outlined RVF symptoms to an affected person as high fever, headache, body-ache, nausea, vomiting and loss of weight within a short period.  At its advanced stage, the RVF victim experience over-bleeding through various body parts and later dies.

... No warning yet issued to thousands of foreign tourists flocking northern Tanzania, but authorities in the capital city of Dar es Salaam said hotel and lodge owners and ground tourist handlers have been notified to protect their foreign clients from possible contamination with the RVF virus.

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Africa's Great Rift Valley

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Montag, 5. Februar 2007

Ugandas Elefantenpopulation wächst

Nach den Angaben der Uganda Wildlife Authority hält der positive Trend zunehmender Elefantenpopulation im Queen Elizabeth National Park an. Nach letzten Zählungen stieg die Zahl auf nahezu 3.000 Tiere, ein Anstieg von 500 Tieren gegenüber der letzten Zählung 2004.

Schon zwischen 2000 und 2004 hatte sich die Population fast verdoppelt. Der Zuwachs ist leider auch der großen Anzahl von Tieren geschuldet, die aus dem benachbarten Virunga Park im Kongo gewechselt sind, wo sie auf Grund der unverminderten Wilderei durch Geschäftemacher, marodierende Hutus und Milizen gefährdet waren.

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Uganda / Ruanda

Heiko Hooge

neu EUR 25,95


Angolan Airline will von Luanda nach Sao Tome und Lissabon fliegen, Lisbon connection

The Angolan Airline (TAAG) has announced plans to connect Luanda (Angola), Sao Tome and Lisbon, Portugal, as from 12 February, officials told PANA here Thursday.


The Angolan airline will fly the route twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, using a Boeing 737-700 with 120-passenger capacity. The Sao Tome- Lisbon connection has for a long time been exploited by the Portuguese Airline, Air Luxor, which has been withdrawn due to financial problems, giving way to its compatriot, TAP.

Source: Angolan airline to fly Luanda, Sao Tome, Lisbon connection

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